Pre Order Local Flower Bouquets!

We're going back to pre orders on bouquets to make sure we get the right number and they just harvest what is pre ordered! (Unlike extra food, we can't eat or freeze bouquets.

Why do local flowers matter? The vast majority of flowers sold in the U.S. are from Central America, with questionable labor practices and loads of chemicals. And because we don't consume them, the amount of chemicals allowed to be sprayed on flowers (pesticides and herbicides plus solutions to make flowers shipped far away last longer) is very high. And this can off gas in your house. So you may not eat them, but you breathe them in. And local flower farmers who use sustainable practices help rebuild soil and provide food for pollinators like bees!

You can treat yourself to something beautiful and feel good about it, too!

So order this week via this form (deadline Monday, May 8th at 5 pm) for pick up starting Wednesday, May 10th in the afternoon. We can bring them to Thursday or Friday hubs or you can pick up at the shop. 

Bouquets are colorful mixed bouquets of spring flowers featuring ranunculus, snapdragons, poppies, bachelor button, Ammi and more. Price is $25.75. 

We can add your bouquet to a grocery order you make in Local Line, or ring you up separately, whichever you prefer!

Cicada Calling is a 2-acre diversified vegetable and cut flower farm in Hammond run by Becks Hilliard and Sierra Torres.

Becks and Sierra believe farming in the Gulf South is an act of resistance towards a disappearing community that has been ravaged by climate change and the petrochemical industry. The majority of their seed comes from cooperative seed growers in the South so that they can grow food better adapted to our climate and increase the seed biodiversity of our region. They use organic practices, but are not certified organic.

Kate Estrade