A&A Acres is a small family farm in Loranger, La. run by Ashley, her husband Aaron, and their three children. They created their sustainable and pasture-based farm as a means to self-sufficiency, after Ashley convinced her family to turn their hobby farm into a full fledged business. Today they raise pastured broiler chickens, egg laying chickens as well as vegetables and herbs. 

Their egg layers run free on a protected quarter acre of pasture, allowing them access to sunshine and grass. Their flock produces large pastured eggs with deep golden yolks. In addition to fresh eggs and meat, they also make delicious bone broth from chicken backs, which is slow simmered for 48 hours and perfect for sipping or cooking. They believe the best food is not just what is the most healthy for us, but also the most humane for the animal, our soil, our community, and our environment. They strive to be excellent stewards of the land, while exceeding the highest of animal welfare standards, and encourage everyone to support their local farms.

Location: Loranger, La.

Website: louisianaeggs.com

Products: Chicken Bone Broth, Chicken Eggs

Practices: Chickens are raised on pasture and rotated regularly to fresh pasture. No hormones, steroids or antibiotics.

Kate Estrade